Well, we had baby Kennedy on August 20th at 9:06 am. She weighed 6.7 lbs and was 19 inches long.
Late on the 19th I started feeling contractions that kept waking me up, although I didn't realize that was what kept waking me up until about 11:00. I switched from side to side seeing if they would stop. When they didn't I got up and just sat seeing if they would stop then, when they didn't I started timing them at 12:55, they were from 4 to 6 minutes apart (watching my clock, not all that closely), finally at 2:00 I woke John up and told him that I was having contractions, pretty consistently.
Luckily the night before my mom had Cohen and he had asked to have a "slumber party" over at Grammy's house... We had said okay and it worked out great and took out the step of waking up Cohen and taking him over to Grammy's house because he was already there.
When I woke John up he asked how far apart they were, I told him every 4 to 6 minutes. He said oh we have a couple of hours before something starts happening. I told him that I just wanted to make sure this was the real thing and make sure everything was progressing okay, and that with the second baby things can move very quickly. So he dragged himself out of bed and kept joking that they were just going to send us home.
When we got to the hospital I was checked, still not much was going on but the contractions were there and consistent, they said they would observe me for an hour and then decide if I should go back home for a while or not. When the hour was up, I was still having contraction, but wasn't any farther along than I was the first time, but the nurse said she felt some "knobby things", not normal for the head, she had the charge nurse come in and see if she felt the same thing, and she did. Luckily Dr. Mazen was already there as one of his other patient's had just had a baby, he checked and felt the same thing and decided they needed to do an ultrasound. With a quick look, the head was in my ribs and the feet were down where the head needed to be.
I had a couple more good contractions and Dr. Mazen decided I should stay there to see if the contractions would stop on their own to see if they could maybe turn her around, although when he felt her, he didn't think she would do that very easily. So they checked me into a room to decide what I needed to do.
At about 7:30, when my contractions hadn't stopped they decided that I would need a C-section as the baby was in the worst breech position and if I did start to really get moving it could be dangerous to the baby, and her feet could get stuck. So bummed as I was about having a C-section, that was what happened.
They gave me some medicine to stop the contractions and started to get me ready for the surgery.
The surgery went very quickly, I believe it was about 11 minutes from start to finish. Very quick. She came out by the feet and upside-down. They were still getting Kennedy ready to come over to me when they were closing the incision.
So that is the story of Baby Kennedy..
Cohen loves her, and LOVES to hold her, there are a few signs that he notices the time difference that Momma gets with him, between Kennedy and the surgery healing, so hopefully as soon as I'm better, I'll get to work on that a little bit more.
I love your blog. So cute. I am really glad I can keep in touch better with you now. Love you. She is perfect.
Congratz on your beautiful little girl, glad you decided to to go on in to the hospital so she had a safe delivery.
Penny (Dr Lacey's office)
Congratulations! She is beautiful!
Love to you all!
Aunt Deni
so cool to hear your birth story! I love birth stories. I'm convinced the kids decide how they are born, and it sounds like Kennedy didn't want to mess up her hair! :) I hope you have completely healed and are OK. How early was she?
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